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The Start of a New Year at Brower Psychological - 2019
By Jaime Brower - January 21, 2019
As we're gearing up for another year, I can't help but think of 2018. While I've worked with first responders for the last 17/18 years, it was the first year that I had the privilege to do so under my own business, Brower Psychological. For the first time, I had the ability to set up my practice, as I wanted it. It was a bit terrifying and a lot exciting. My vision was to truly change and update the psychological services being provided to our first responders. The concepts of quality therapeutic services (including state of the art trauma treatment), revolutionizing preemployment evaluations, ensuring the wellness of our first responders and their families, quality assurance, and confidentiality, guided us through our first year. I also wanted to make sure that we took care of our retirees and our responder families. We truly care about the work that we do and find no greater good than to help the helpers.
The team of clinicians that I have put together are extroardinary and I am incredibly thankful for all of their hard work this year. Each clinician has expertise in working with first responders and trauma, and has brought their own style and specialty. Different people, personalities and presenting issues require various clinicians for clients to choose from. Clients can always try out one clinician and change, if they find that the goodness of fit isn't quite right. We want clients to find that perfect fit and feel comfortable getting the care that they need. Â
We have had the privilege to work with over fifty agencies in the Denver Metro Area and beyond, expanding weekly. As we grow, we've expanded the services provided, but have been able to do so at a rate and pace that we've been able to keep up with. We have ensured that therapeutic services are readily available (scheduling within the week), as are our evaluation reports and emergency response (responded to immediately, 24/7). My Dad, who for many years owned his own business, reminded me to only take on that which we could handle, as the fastest way to lose business would be to take on too much, too soon.
In 2019, we plan on bringing a full schedule of trainings to our training centers, both live and online. We will have courses on First Respnder Health & Nutrition, Retirement, Family Survival, the So You Wanna Be a Cop/Firefighter Courses, and many others. We are going to provide courses on leadership and supervision, with two tracks for sworn and non-sworn employees. We will also be providing courses on critical incident stress management, advanced peer support and the basics of EMDR (what it is and how it works). Moreover, in keeping with Brower trainings, we will have some of the most dynamic and intersting speakers to present these topics, ensuring that participants won't fall asleep and won't be bored by the material. Please keep your eye on our "Events" and the online training center.Â
I am thankful to those of you who have utilized our services and promise that we will be strivig to ensure your continued business for years to come. My staff is as passionate as I am about the work we're doing and believe that we are blessed to be working with you. Thank you for allowing our family to work with yours.Â
Here's to 2019!
Jaime Brower