Preemployment Evaluations / Job Suitability Assessment

Brower Psychological Services offers several options for the psychological screening of those in police and public safety.  We evaluate the assessment of both psychological stability and normal-range personality traits and characteristics that may impact one’s ability to carry out the essential functions of their position.  This is a critical piece of the hiring process and aids in ensuring that employees are psychologically capable of handling inherent pressures, stressors and job demands.     

Our Process

We meet with the agency to determine their hiring goals and preferences.  Whether pre-offer or post-offer, we discuss the applicant rating system and develop a process specific to the needs of the agency. 

For out-of-state agencies or those located outside of the Denver-Metro area, we offer TeleInterviews and local test administration through a department trained test administrator. 

Gone are the days of paper and pencil testing, with scantron technology.  Brower Psychological Services uses updated, state-of-the-art testing administration.  Our on-line administration of written tests reduces the applicant’s testing time and allows for the clinician to review the test data immediately after completion, before conducting the in-depth interview with the candidate.          

Brower Psychological Services provides an in-depth assessment of the applicant and does not rush through interviews or other critical information gathering.  Information gathered from the applicant, behavioral observations, review of psychological or other relevant information, as well as information from the background and/or polygraph, are integrated with test data to make a sound determination of suitability.  Only the most valid and reliable tests are used in the selection process.       

Psychological Evaluation Steps

  1. Orient the candidate, verify identity, and obtain informed consent and waivers
  2. Administer or review personal history questionnaire(s) and written tests
  3. Review scored written tests, personal history information, and relevant health records
  4. Obtain additional candidate information, if needed, from others involved in the hiring process
  5. Conduct the psychological interview
  6. Determine if additional candidate information is needed and/or provide information to others involved in the hiring process
  7. Integrate data to make a suitability determination
  8. Provide verbal results to the agency within 24 hours
  9. Prepare and submit the written report and declaration of candidate suitability within 5-7 business days
  10. Obtain and analyze post-hire outcome data

Brower Psychological Services is uniquely suited to conduct these evaluations.  Dr. Brower is an academy instructor, works with field training programs and evaluates their effectiveness, as well as offers advanced training skills for those struggling post-hire.  She is aware of the dynamics involved in learning and performing in high stress occupations, as well as lateral candidate issues and concerns.  Very rarely will you find an evaluator that has also worked on the back end of the hiring process, correcting and addressing behavioral issues that potentially could have or should have been found pre-hire.

Post-Hire Outcome Survey

Brower Psychological Services also offers a Validation Survey for agencies, wanting information on the post-hire outcome.  As an additional, optional service, we will follow applicants through academy, field training and through their probationary year, gathering data from instructors and supervisors regarding performance.  Performance data will be evaluated against their preemployment evaluation results and feedback will be provided.  Agencies will then be able to look at the validity of the job suitability assessment and hiring decision, with actual performance outcomes. 

Contact Dr. Brower for additional information and pricing.